Northwest Roller Skating Foundation (NWRSF)

The NWRSF board of directors hired me to redesign their outdated logo, website, and marketing materials to establish a bigger presence and encourage donations. Various members of the roller skating community provided written content and photos for stories which I heavily edited and published on the website. I previously served as web developer, social networking administrator, and board member with the organization.
Previous Logo & Redesign

In their previous logo I liked how the "W" extended around the "R" and "S" creating a sense of motion, so I played with that idea in the new logo design. The color scheme of the previous logo felt cold and made me think of ice skating, so I chose a warm and bold red which feels much more suited to roller skating.


Left to Right: Front Cover, Inside Spread, Back Cover. This was distributed at meets/events to inform attendees and encourage donations.

Previous Website & Redesign

I customized an html template with the new logo and branding and edited and published stories about roller skaters in the NW region. Pages include home, about, events, stories, and contact,

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